Registration for the 2024-25 academic year is now open!
Parents are encouraged to register here as soon as possible to ensure a spot. Online Lessons are now an option. When you enroll as a student, your first month's tuition will include a registration fee of $35. If you are enrolling more than one student, the registration fee will be discounted to $30 for each additional student.
To register, please use the form below. Fields with a red asterisk are required. Skip the parent name information if you are an adult student. If you have any other questions about registration please use the "Other Information" field and we'll get back with you soon. We look forward to serving you!
Brenham Music Academy Students:
Register here: Please scroll down and fill out the form below. Make sure you submit form after filling out information. Thank you!
Joyce Brown's Studio:
Joyce maintains her own studio and student records using an online service called "Music Teachers Helper". To register for lessons with Joyce please go here:
Joyce's Music Teachers Helper Homepage.