Foundations 4 Piano

Fall 2022 Classes start Sept 1!


Teacher: Cheryl Amelang

Mini-Musicians will learn the foundation for playing piano. Together students will play music theory games and rhythm games and learn how to enjoy music in an interactive environment! This is a small group, usually three or four students. Curriculum taught is from a variety of the following books: Faber's My First Piano Adventures, Dozen A Day- pink book,  Piano Prodigies, Wunderkeys, and Alfred's Little Mozart series.

Thursdays 4:00 - 4:45

Tuition - $105/month

Registration and materials cost - $135



This is a class for entry level students who want to have fun playing piano with friends and experience what it is a like to play in a band! Curriculum used: Way Cool for Kids Keyboarding, Dozen A Day Prep Level 2, Foundations4Piano Elementary, and a variety of solos for each student. Students will have the option of playing at the end of year recital but are encouraged to participate.

Thursdays 5:00 - 5:45p

Tuition - $105/month

Registration and materials fees - $135



INTRO COURSE for how to help your child get the most of out of music lessons. If you do not know how to play an instrument or read sheet music, this class is for you! You will learn the foundation for music that will help you to help your child. In addition, learn how to keep your child focused and learning as much as possible at home.

To enroll, please text Cheryl at 979-203-8293.

Two hour class

Tuition - $60 including materials